Erasmus+ KA210 Adult Education
2021-2-DE02- KA210-ADU-000049482

Coordinator: NGO Nest Berlin (Germany)
Partners: EduLab, Innovation Frontiers IKE (Greece), LIDOSK (Turkiye).
The objectives of the "Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTs" (DECRYPT) project are:
O1 > Establish a partnership to research and exchange experiences on digital and STEM education for adults in partner countries, leading to the development of an appropriate training format.
O2 > Creation of a Training Format with the educational programme for STEM and digital literacy, gathering research results and best practices having as aim to promote digital and scientific education.
O3 > Implement a Joint Staff involving educators in digital and scientific literacy.
For more information and to download the materials in other languages you can visit the project website:
Thanks to the implementation of DECRYPT project, the Consortium was able to design and create a Training Format that contains:
- a detailed outline of the research results of the project, including best practices and the findings in focus groups with adult learners and organizations operating in adult education;
- a training programme for educators to foster the development of knowledge, skills, and competencies of digital and scientific literacy;
- a set of educational workshops focused on digital and STEM education, developed by the educators involved in the Joint Staff Training Event.
The Training Format has been tested during a Joint Staff Training Event, lasting 5 days (24th -28th July 2023), that involved 12 adult educators from Italy, Germany, Greece and Turkiye.
One of the workshops created by the educators during the Joint Staff Training Event was tested during the local dissemination activity involving the learners of the evening course of the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale G. P. Chironi in Nuoro.