Erasmus+ KA210 VET

Coordinator: EduLab
Partners: NGO Nest Berlin (Germany), Zbornica za razvoj podjetnikov - BIC (Slovenia), TIR Consulting Group (Croatia).
The "Empowering the professional profile of people with migrant background" (JobLinguo) project aims at achieving the following objectives:
O1 > Support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the improvement of their professional profile in terms of sectoral language.
O2 > Adapt the training offer of VET providers and other stakeholders to the linguistic needs of people with migrant background.
For more information and to download the materials in other languages you can visit the project website: https://joblinguo.myerasmus.net/
The first stage of the elaboration has been guided by the partner BIC, which prepared the methodology to be used for the field research in which all partners involved stakeholders from the public administration, agricultural, financial and insurance activities sectors, in order to understand the level of sectoral language knowledge they require in order to consider a candidate as a potential employee.
The confrontation with stakeholders was a fundamental step, as partners agreed that it wasn't functional to base the programme on assumptions, but it was strictly necessary to get the realistic requirements from the potential employers.
The result of this phase is two research reports, that have been used as a base to develop the programme.
The created programme is constituted by the abovementioned sectors, and for each one of them, an interactive eBook and an educational 2D game have been developed.
Research Reports
Sectoral Language Programme
Agriculture Sector
Public Administration Sector
Finance & Insurance Sector
Monitoring Report
All partners tested the Sectorial Language Programme through training courses, one for each sector covered by the programme. Each course involved 5 learners with a migration background. A monitoring report was produced by the Croatian partner containing the results achieved at the Consortium level.